It appears that the rumors are true about Agatha Harkness' future. According to Variety Disney+ with Marvel Studios has started their development of the WandaVision Spin-off, mainly starring the villain, Agatha Harkness who was and will continue to be played by Kathryn Hahn. Although Marvel is remaining super quiet on the details as always, Varietty says sources describe the series as being a dark comedy, focusing on Agatha Harkness herself. The show will have the same writer and executive producer as Wandavision, Jac Schaeffer.
In both the Marvel comics and series, Agatha is shown to have survived the Salem Witch Trials and is more than a match for Wanda, a.k.a. Scarlet Witch. The character Agatha, plays an important role in the comics, so it’s not surprising that Marvel is making a series about her. This series could be used to help set up the Dark Avengers, which has been rumored for quite some time for the MCU. Fans are getting very excited over this, as they should be.
Next March, Elizabeth Olsen will return as Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. This film is also rumored to have Agatha Harknss in it as well! The film will tie some of the events to WandaVision, so, we are hoping to get some sort of tease to Agatha’s return in this highly-anticipated sequel.